Sunday, July 24, 2011

For my entertainment

I've been making a lot of silly salt & pepper shakers lately. Partly because they're good for filling up small spaces in my kiln, partly because they make me giggle while I'm making them, and partly because I can work on them in the living room (as opposed to in my studio) and hang out with my boys.

Been getting ready for the 10th Annual Swan Creek Potters Summer Sale in a couple weeks. I haven't been doing the show for 10 years, but that's when Maggie started it all. These elephant s&p shakers would have been at the Swan Creek sale, but were claimed before they were even fired. I'll take a more formal pic later, but here they are waiting for the epoxy holding on the [pyrometric cone] tusks to dry.

And I'll have more pics of other silliness in a few days.

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