Generally when I order clay it takes a couple months to get to my supplier's studio. I try to time ordering clay so I'm all but out when it arrives because of space constraints. This time, though, the clay came in in about a week. Surprise!
We've had a bit of a full schedule here lately though, so I wasn't able to pick the clay up till yesterday.
20 50lb boxes = 1,000 lbs:
Before I left the house Brian reminded me to back up to the basement back door, which opens to the landing of the basement stairs, so we wouldn't have as many steps to carry the clay down. The thought that the ground might be a little soft from all the rain we've had the last couple days cruised through my mind, but B said to pull right up, so I figured pffththt, it'll be ok.
So B carried the 20 50-lb boxes (one at a time) from the jeep to the back door, where I met him on the landing and carried each box downstairs into my studio, and stacked them + the 350lbs I still had under my work table.
Even without the weight of the clay still had to put the jeep in 4-wheel to get unstuck, which left this in the yard...
Brian was standing on the deck looking at it, and I got out of the car and looked at it and looked at him, and we both started laughing. It's annoying, yah, but... we're looking at it from the point that the grass back there had issues anyway, and this will force us to do something about it.
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